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Tag: anniversary

#SOL24-15 Celebrate

It is Tuesday and time to write a 'Slice of Life." 
Thank you Two Writing Teachers for creating this supportive community
of teacher-writers!

We had two fun ‘dinners out’ this week at the beach, celebrating special events, and both of these came with surprises. 

First up was my brother’s birthday. We enjoyed delicious Italian food at Stellini’s, a restaurant that was pleasantly filled with locals rather than tourists. The special surprise: watching raccoons invade the bird feeder out in the back of the restaurant. There were half a dozen of these little friends, taking turns, going  up and down the tree to get to this food. The waitress told us that they were now regularly feeding the raccoons, because everyone found it so entertaining to watch. I’m not entirely sure how I feel about feeding wildlife, but who says only humans should eat well? Here’s a photo (it was dark outside; I hope you can make out the image):

The second celebration of the week was Tony’s and my anniversary, 36 years of marriage. We were excited to try Ruan Thai restaurant, and the food was delicious. My sister-in-law called ahead to reserve a table for four, adding “we’re celebrating a wedding anniversary.” We walked in and discovered roses on our table, heart-shaped balloons on the booth, and a handwritten note, “Happy Anniversary! May your love continue to grow stronger every year.” How sweet is that?  All four of us were taken aback by this joyful surprise. Here’s Tony and I, and the special decorations:

Two special celebrations, two fun surprises, TWO-RRIFIC!

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SOLSC #12 – Anniversary

It is Tuesday and time to write a 'Slice of Life." 
Thank you Two Writing Teachers for creating this supportive community
of teacher-writers!

Happy Anniversary, to Tony and me! We were married 35 years ago…which I understand is the ‘coral’ anniversary. It was appropriate that we were at a beach last week, I guess. 

We are actually apart for our ‘anniversary day’ this year. He is traveling to visit with family, while I am in Connecticut for a bridal shower (as I mentioned in yesterday’s post). 

The bridal shower cake – isn’t this exquisite?

There have been several years where we have had to be apart on our anniversary day, so we plan a celebration before or after the date. When the kids were young, and money was tighter, we didn’t always go out for our anniversary – but we had a ‘date night’ in, with the children ushered upstairs to bed as early as possible, followed by a special dinner for just the two of us.

Now that we are retired (my third year, his seventh year), we are awed by how much fun together we can weave into our life. We have so much flexibility to head out on a local hike or a walk in our favorite park, pretty much any day of the week. Thirty-five years in, we still enjoy being together very, very much. 

We have never been big gift-givers with each other, and the older we get, the less we seek having more stuff. We love time together and new experiences, a time apart from others, just the two of us. A couple years ago, we tried to write a list of what we did each year to celebrate – and we were so surprised by how many years we simply could not remember. What are our favorite places? The mountains, without a doubt. Hiking – yes, sheer joy. A room with a view of water or the ocean – ooh, that’s nice. A new city or town, to stroll around and investigate. It’s all good! 

Truth is, I love the touch of his hand with mine, as we fall to sleep – we can make that happen anywhere. 

I sent Tony this photo collage first thing this morning – every photo is less than one year old. We are truly blessed!

Happy Anniversary to us!