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#SOL24-17 Dream

It is Tuesday and time to write a 'Slice of Life." 
Thank you Two Writing Teachers for creating this supportive community
of teacher-writers!

I dreamed about playing with words. I held a tiny toy rake – the size a Playmobile or Lego figure might hold – and I was pushing the rake across the page of my journal, which lay across my lap. I was seated cross-legged, Sukhasana, never an easy pose for me, except here, dreaming. I moved the tiny rake with great care, 

gathering words into
teasing out one word
pushing the word
______along ___ a ____line_____
moving the word
into a new position
and moving the original word again
tenderly raking

and all the while, my mind was a blank page

The clarity of this early morning dream surprised me, and it seems particularly ‘spot on’ for this point of the challenge. 

It’s mid-March, when two seemingly contradictory things happen for me: 

One, my energy for the daily work of this challenge begins to flail. I ‘feel’ the work of slicing – the writing, editing, and working with (sometimes exasperating) technology to post it for others to read. I struggle to make the essential time to read and comment on others’ writing, although this part of the challenge is inspiring and eye-opening, and I love the community we are building together. 

Two, strangely and almost conversely, the world seems to open up for me in new ways. Here in mid-March, my writing “receptors” are alert to so many possible ideas for slices. I begin to trust that something special will present itself to me, every single day, asking to be written. I want to put pen to paper. 

Yes, I am both weary and ambitious. That is mid-March, for me. 

Do you experience this,  as well? 

Thank you for visiting my blog.  Clicking the title of any post will open a comment box at the bottom of the page. I love hearing from you.


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  1. Kim Johnson Kim Johnson

    Margaret, it is a journey of endurance that takes a firm commitment and a carving out of time. The payoff is tremendous in the connecting, but the effort is real and can be tiring too. I hear truth and honesty here, and it’s real.

    • You are sweet to call me Margaret; I know this is a slip, but I love Margaret’s writing so much, I feel complimented. It shows how hard you are working to read all our slices, and to give us each a comment – you are the best, Kim!

  2. Maureen, I love the way you’ve formatted your poem. I’ve never had a dream like the one you describe. I remember once you said you were keeping a dream journal. I always think about this, but my dreams never seem surreal. I’ve felt the same struggle with balancing my time especially on a day like today when so much is going on. That’s why I’m late returning to commenting, etc. I’ve had some regrets even pushing myself to do this monthly challenge. It’s so easy to get sidetracked and trying to write well for others to read is stressful. Your writing is always amazing!

    • I hear you, Barb. This point in the challenge is when I lose sight of why I decided to participate. The community keeps me going. Thanks for commenting!

  3. Maureen,
    First, apologies for my late arrival. In a word: travel. I love your poem. I love the way it looks as well as the ideas. I, too, struggle to sit w/ my legs crossed. My hips no longer cooperate. What you’ve described is, of course, a paradox, For me it’s not so much the weight of writing or commenting but the weight of time. Too little of it, to be precise. And I’ve had moments of anxiety this month as I balance blogging w/ writing poetry. It’s a lot! And you have your granddaughters making lovely demands on your time. I still haven’t posted a poem for today’s challenge. I’m not sure I’ll make it. I’ll write a poem, but perhaps not the song one.

    • I hear you, Barb. This point in the challenge is when I lose sight of why I decided to participate. The community keeps me going. Thanks for commenting!!

  4. Ha! And then there’s technical challenges like this reply to your comment – somehow, I duplicated my note to Barb. 🤪

    Yes, it is the weight of time – the shrinkage of it, trying to contort it to fit SOLSC and poetry writing, oh my. It is a fun predicament to have, in the midst of all the other doings of a day. Thanks, Glenda!!

  5. Sherri Spelic Sherri Spelic

    I love the sentiment of “weary and ambitious.” +1 Right there with you! And what a gem of a poem inspired by your dream. Really enjoyed the pleasure of surprise while reading it and taking in your variety of word play.

    • I have never had the experience of dreaming a poem before; seriously, this was just given to me – that is another wonderful outcome of all this writing during the March challenge. Thank you, Sherri!

  6. Weary and ambitious are great words to describe this time of the month. I loved the visual you created with you poem to show us what was happening in your dream.

  7. What a gorgeous poem to describe your dream! And I love your description of how you’re feeling at this time of March: weary and ambitious. That definitely resonates!

  8. Julie Julie

    The format of your poem demonstrates the process of raking. I envision a small pile of leaves with words saying pick me, pick me.

  9. YES. I am feeling it right now actually, which is why I’m catching up on comments–to get some inspiration. Lovely poem.

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