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On Moving On

It is Tuesday and time to write a 'Slice of Life." 
Thank you Two Writing Teachers for creating this supportive community
of teacher-writers!

It’s not easy to move in December. 

I suppose 
the month
doesn’t matter so much. 

It’s just not easy to move.
It is not easy to move 
from your home of 30-plus years 
where you raised your kids 
acquired, stored, and forgot about 
infinite treasures
filling every inch of space. 

No, this kind of move is not easy. 
It’s not easy to move 
to a new home 
several states away
what you want to put on a truck
what you’ll need in the days (weeks?) 
being in one place and next
waiting for your stuff to arrive.

No, it’s not easy. 
It is not easy to do this 
all by yourself. 

Which is why 
I went to help.
I just returned 
from a very hard and successful week 
at my college bestie’s
‘old house’
where we worked non-stop

sorting packing wrapping boxing 
taping lifting loading re-doing 
squishing counting rushing 
tossing donating keeping 
In a few more days 
she will have a new home 
here in Maryland 

she will live 
not only 
closer to me 
but to 
her daughter 
her sister and 
other family. 

It is a wonderful move - 
and not easy!
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Published inpersonal narrativeSOLUncategorized


  1. The load, emotional and physical, was made lighter because you were there for each other. It is these words, “in-between
    being in one place and next,” that are moving on several levels. Each of us, in one way or another, is “in-between.” You two just couldn’t ignore it with the demands of moving. I just heard Elizabeth Acevedo read a poem by Lucille Clifton. Do you know, “Blessing the Boats?” That what your poem reminds me of.

    • Trish, thank you for this! “Blessing the Boats” has long been one of my favorite poems – and you have given me a beautiful idea for note to write into a card for my friend, to include this precious poem of Lucille Clifton’s. Thank you!

  2. You are right. Moving is never easy. I can’t imagine packing up an entire house with 30+ years of memories & items. And driving over miles and miles of road to a new destination is not only tiresome but at times can be nerve-wracking. But you being there for your friend and helping her hopefully eased some of those feelings. And knowing she’s moving closer to not only other family but you too must is another way to lighten this time of upheaval.

    • Thank you, Anna! Yes, it was a time of upheaval – but doing it together made for a few laughs and good camaraderie. I am glad I was able to help. Moving should not be solitary work, in my opinion.

  3. Kim Johnson Kim Johnson

    Your helping her move is a labor of love like no other. Moving is a beast of a chore, no matter how decluttered or minimalistic someone thinks they are – – it’s not easy. The boxes, the lifting, the sorting, the packing, the loading, the moving, the unloading, the unpacking, all the things. And the utilities, and the changing of licenses and addresses and……….. you are truly a great friend to help her at this time. I’m so glad she has a support network and some amazing friends and family to make what isn’t easy ….easier.

    • I’m a ‘ military brat’ and I will never forget how hard it is to move. I just couldn’t imagine her doing it all by herself – although she is a very competent and organized soul. It was a labor of love! Thanks, Kim!

  4. Maureen,
    I have moved in December/January w/ little children. It is brutal. You are an amazing friend. I hope your friend realizes this. I simply can’t imagine such a move at my age, but I also think about it. I’m not attached to stuff, so I think I’d be tossing and donating much of what I own. Now go get a massage. You earned a long one!

    • She was amazing about her culling – yes, we are at that time of life when it simply makes no sense to have all this stuff about. I have returned with a desire to get rid of even more stuff here at my house, lol. Thanks, Glenda!

  5. Yes indeed, it is NOT easy to move and certainly not in December! You are a wonderful friend for making this adventure a little easier with some laughter and lifting!

  6. This is a timely post for me as I will be moving soon and using up all the verbs you shared so beautifully.

    “sorting packing wrapping boxing
    taping lifting loading re-doing
    squishing counting rushing
    tossing donating keeping”

    You have turned a memorable story into an engaging poem. Although the job was demanding the future looks great.

    • The future does look great! Thank you! I hope you have some ‘ease’ with your move, though that is not a word that one associates with moving. May it go well!

  7. You, Maureen, are a GOOD FRIEND. No, it is definitely not easy to move. Add in the distance, and the time spent in one space – ALL of it: the decisions, the packing, the logistics…all of it can be too much for one person to manage.

    Here’s to new beginnings!

    • Thanks, Lainie! That’s exactly how I saw it – too much for one person alone. I have no doubt she would have persevered, made it happen. But, two of us working together certainly eased the burden a good bit.

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