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Tag: new dress

Dress Shopping

It is Tuesday and time to write a 'Slice of Life." 
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of teacher-writers!

We have two very special weddings to attend later this month – both for children of dear friends. I needed to find a new dress. I haven’t had a new dress in years. I simply haven’t needed one.

The problem is, I really dislike shopping. Seriously.

I take after my father, who only went into stores with a specific list – and he dashed through the store to find these items only. I remember, as a kid, I had to run to catch up with him. Just like him, I do not browse. I do not dawdle. I know what I want, I get in, get what I need, and get out.

Buying a dress is different, though. It is very hard to be quick. I have to try on dresses, see how they fit. Every dress fits a little differently.

It also means I have to go to the mall. I never go to the mall anymore. Honestly, being retired – I just wear the same old, same old, day in day out. [insert whiny voice] Do I really have to go to the mall!?

Well, time to ‘woman up.’ 

I marked my calendar for the dreaded chore – right after Easter, so that the stores would be less crowded. 

I needed a warm up routine of some sort. I worked in the yard for a bit – a little weeding, moving mulch, and simply delighting in the fresh air. This cleared my head, for sure. We are having a wonderful week of weather – bright sunshine, mild temperatures, low humidity. There are so many wonderful flowers in bloom! Tulips, daffodils, bleeding hearts, dogwood, hyacinth, lenten roses . . . .

Oh, can’t I just stay outside all day? [there’s that whiny voice again!] No. No. No. After a quick shower and fresh “easy on/easy off clothes,” I was out the door. I wanted to get in and out of the mall before the high schoolers were dismissed for the day.  

It was my lucky day!

I found what I wanted in the very first store, in a little under an hour. I tried on maybe a dozen dresses? All the dresses were on sale, so I dared to buy two. Woohoo!

I am so glad that chore is done. My father would have been very proud.

Now all I need are scissors, so I can cut off those odd little ribbons on the inside shoulder seam . . . .

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