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Tag: jazz

SOLSC #10 – Jazz

It is Tuesday and time to write a 'Slice of Life." 
Thank you Two Writing Teachers for creating this supportive community
of teacher-writers!
You make me!
You make me!
You! You!  You! 
You make me!

I was absolutely enchanted as the jazz singer improvised this Aretha Franklin song. Her name is Louise Spencer, and I particularly enjoyed how her voice dropped lower and lower as she “punched” those last eight words, the title of the song. She sang every song in the set with such gorgeous volume, playing with the lyrics – adding syllables unexpectedly, using repetition for emphasis, varying the range of her voice within a single phrase. What a joy to hear her, to be in this jazz club listening to live music by these gifted musicians. 

All day today, I’ve been reliving the fun we had this last night of vacation, visiting the local jazz club and listening to the Lavon Stevens Band. 

Of all the ‘ear worms’ I’ve had stuck in my head - this is one of the very best!