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Tag: dollhouse

SOLSC #30 – Angel House

It is Tuesday and time to write a 'Slice of Life." 
Thank you Two Writing Teachers for creating this supportive community
of teacher-writers!

I moved the dollhouse upstairs to the corner of the landing, next to a bright sunny window, and set it on an old coffee table. Now it is at a good height for the children to play, and they can feel somewhat autonomous up here in this nook, while remaining within earshot of us as we work in the kitchen. I unearthed some furniture pieces from the attic crawlspace and set these up for Frog and Bird before a recent visit.

I couldn’t find any dolls, I’m sure these migrated to my preschool classroom over the years. I grabbed a couple Duplo figures, a forgotten Star Wars figure, and an angel from our Christmas ornaments that had lost its ‘hook,’ and set these up as ‘family.’ That little angel made an impression on the girls – they now refer to this play area as “angel house,” as in “I’m going to go upstairs and play at angel house,” which I find adorable.

At the craft store, I found some little wood figures and spent a sweet morning painting ‘people’ for the girls’ play. Now, everyone’s in the mix, one big doll community – the Star Wars guy, the Duplo, the angel, and the wood figures.

I am absolutely enchanted by the little stories they act out here at the dollhouse. They are thoroughly engaged by the varied pieces, setting up these sweet scenes and mini-dramas. I have not yet been successful at catching all their words, but have overheard words about working and dinner and Mama, Dada. I need to be a better spy, and capture their stories.

The dollhouse feels new and special to Frog and Bird, though it has been around forever. Between the pandemic and our home remodeling, it basically collected dust in a corner of the basement. Now, there is new life!

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