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Tag: VerseLove

Poem1 -#hashtag

In March 2024, I participated in  Two Writing Teachers'
17th Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge!
I wrote a 'slice of life' each day for a 31-day writing streak.

May I just say, today felt so much lighter.

I did not have to write and edit and start over and correct and review and polish a story. I did not have to read three, five, ten, as many as possible, slices written by others, and offer a small positive comment on their amazing words. I am in withdrawal from all the work of March, and basking in the freedom.

April means challenge as well, though an easier one for me. I am participating in Sarah Donovan’s VerseLove on Ethical ELA this month. I’m reading inspirations and writing poetry for thirty days. It is another fabulous community of teacher writers.

Should I publish my poem responses each day on my blog? I’m on the fence on this. Many of these (including today’s) feel like drafts, unpolished. However, to publish mine today means that I can post the cool icon supplied by Two Writing Teachers: yes, I had a 31-day writing streak! Woohoo! 

(And with this post, it is actually a 32-day streak, lol.)

Today’s inspiration was from a fellow slicer Kimberly Johnson and it is called #hastagacrostics, which she describes as:

use the letters [of your name] to make a hashtag acrostic to introduce yourself to your #VerseLove family! You can #smashyourwordstogether or #space them apart. 

Kimberly Johnson,

Here’s my little poem for today –

- Let me introduce myself -

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