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Month: March 2023

Story Challenge Begins

It is Tuesday and time to write a 'Slice of Life." 
Thank you Two Writing Teachers for creating this supportive community
of teacher-writers!
Thank you for visiting my blog.  Clicking the title of any post will open a comment box at the bottom of the page. I love hearing from you.

Why does clarity come in the middle of the night? Especially, to the most obscure problems? 

Last night, I woke up far too early, to the sound of my own admonishing voice: Do not pack those ankle boots of yours, Maureen; they take up too much space in the suitcase. Yes, you love them with that skirt…but the bridal shower is only two hours long; you can wear your clogs, which are also easier to wear on the airplane; this way, you’ll have room for your walking shoes. Yes! That makes so much sense. Then, I proceeded to toss and turn for a long while, until finally I got out of bed and removed the darn boots from the packed suitcase, making room for the athletic shoes. Only then was I able to fall back to sleep.

I am heading out on two wonderful travel adventures, back-on-back. I am spending a week at the beach with my husband, brother, and sister-in-law; at the very end of this fun, I will fly to New England for a bridal shower of a dear friend. We’re driving south, I’m flying north. I have been fixated on packing ‘just the right things’ – one suitcase for the shower weekend, another (plus numerous tote bags) for the trip south. I know it’s a wonderful problem to have – and I was really stunned that it resulted in a sleepless night. 

But, hey, it gave me an opening to Day 1 of this writing challenge! Lol. 

March 2012 was my first year of participation in the Two Writing Teachers SOLSC – eleven years ago, oh my. 

A lot has changed in my life during this time. 

In 2012, I was teaching preschool and practically every writing slice was about some small moment with young children. I would come home from work and write a post about something that had happened that day.

I’m retired now, and my topics are much more varied; I still try my best to write about something from the day itself. I have not yet landed on a ‘single theme’ for my blog, but my posts are personal narratives about

  • my love of the outdoors (hiking, walking, gardening),
  • spending time with my family, especially my grandchildren (ages 2 and 4), 
  • travel, play, creativity, home projects, and/or
  • some special moment or situation that arose.

Retirement has allowed me the time to do a lot of ‘private’ writing – I am a daily journaler, I love to write poetry, and I am currently working on a couple different writing projects. This SOLSC challenge, with its emphasis on writing, sharing, and reading in community with others, always stretches me in new and rewarding ways.

Funny, though, even this many years in, I always have this odd little ball of stress in the pit of my stomach at the outset – will I really be able to think of something to share in my blog every day for 31 days? Especially, in the midst of all that I am doing this month? Somehow, it always works out – often in the same way that my packing problem was resolved: a clear idea just appears, and not necessarily when I expect it. Life is full of surprises; there is always something to write about.  

Here’s to March 2023! A big, huge welcome to all the new slicers!! I look forward to connecting with you this month.