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SOLSC #6 – Blocked

It is Tuesday and time to write a 'Slice of Life." 
Thank you Two Writing Teachers for creating this supportive community
of teacher-writers!

“I had a newborn and a three year old when I met my first husband. They were both boys. He had a two year old daughter. I married him for security, really. You should never do that, it is a very bad reason to marry anyone, just for security. But with two kids, I really needed his money. Sure, he had money. But he was cruel. He hurt my kids, I feel so guilty about that still. I left him.”

This confession was offered to me by the gray-haired grocery store clerk at the checkout, as she bagged our groceries for the week. (What’s the first thing on the to-do list on a vacation? The grocery store, of course!) I have no idea why she opened up to me in this way or what precipitated the life reflection. I felt as if time stood still as she spoke – I was so uncomfortable with the intimate details this complete stranger was sharing with me.

It didn’t help that she was moving oh-so-slowly to fill the bags themselves. I practiced my quiet breathing and said a silent prayer or two on her behalf, thinking how tough her life.

Back at our rental condo, as we put groceries away, I was telling my husband about this surprise and intimate sharing, chuckling at the awkwardness of it. Likewise, my sister-in-law was animatedly talking with my brother about our shopping, and I thought I heard her describe the grocery clerk by saying,

“She was a block away.” 

I burst out laughing – “Wait, how did you describe the woman at checkout? ‘She was a block away.’? I have never heard that said, but what a clever and funny way to describe someone who really isn’t ‘present’ with you.”

My sister-in-law looked at me confused – “No, I was saying, we put that first block of cheddar away and got the other one.”

This sent me into fits of giggles – I was totally dreaming up language! I guess I was the one who was ‘a block away,’ hahaha. 

Here’s a couple photos of our gorgeous location – we are here, at the beach!

We are here and the wind is strong!

Published innaturepersonal narrativeSOLSCtravel


  1. Maureen,
    My heart hurts for that clerk and her struggles. Life is hard. She must have seen a kind heart in your face. I’m glad the “block away” comment was not about the clerk. Have an amazing time at the beach!

    • My heart was aching for her, yes. Although it was uncomfortable for me, I do think such unexpected openness is really a gift – for a stranger to leap with trust like this.

  2. Maureen, I have to steal that adjective for describing someone who isn’t present….they were a block away! Love it! I think there is something quite awkward when you do have strange encounters with someone. I always feel like there is an inner voice telling me to listen closely to be sure to understand why this moment is happening. You captured the story she shared so accurately, I felt completely pulled into your post. Love your photos! Enjoy the beach!

    • Yes, Barb, I agree – I, too, have this inner voice telling me to be patient, simply listen, and be a bit awed that I get to know a stranger/someone new on this deeper level, really.

  3. OK, I love that photo of you with your sweet smile in the wind! And, yes, you may have coined a new idiom some of us will be using, for my husband and I can each be guilty of “being a block away” especially when technology is involved.

    • It did strike me as a pretty fun idiom! We are often together and apart, vis-a-vis technology, yes. Thanks for commenting, Denise!

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